In this blog I am going to be talking through certain looks that I've done and tell you how I did them and what products I've used etc. Once I get myself a decent video camera and laptop, I will be doing step by step video tutorials, but for now it will just be pictures and text!
I'm not a professional make-up artist, I am just a make-up enthusiast! I've always been into make-up and the girl side of things, but the last year or so I've really kicked it up a notch and researched products before I've bought them and actually used testers rather than just throw them away as I used to.
So here is a picture of me, sans make-up, so you can get to know what I look like without all the foundation and eyeliner!
And this is me just ready for a normal day at work. It's a couple of months old, so my hair is longer now and I can't remember exactly what products I was wearing, but this is how I look most days.
So that's just a little introduction and hopefully you'll come back and check out any looks I come up with!
Until next time, over and out sports fans ;o)
A-K x